承担项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,功能梯度石墨烯增强铝基复合材料的冲击变形失效机理研究,2024.1-2026.12 2. 中国工程院院地合作重大咨询项目子课题,山西省无人货运体系战略研究及建设方案,2021.10-2022.09 3. 山西省基础研究计划自然科学研究面上项目,冲击荷载下功能梯度石墨烯增强铝基复合材料变形失效机理研究,2023.1-2025.12 4. 山西省应用基础研究项目面上青年基金项目,功能梯度NiTi形状记忆合金的相变机理与本构模型研究,2019.01-2021.12 5. 山西省高等学校一般性教学改革创新立项项目,《流体力学》课程思政探索与实践,2023.1-2023.12 发表论文: 1. 李志强,王阳,辛立彪*.梯度六边形可变形翼肋结构设计及气动性能分析,北京航空航天大学学报. 2024. 2. 刘伟艺, 李志强, 辛立彪*.基于Mori-Tanaka方法的功能梯度厚壁圆筒近似热弹性理论解.太原理工大学学报,2024,55(4): 591-602. 3. Chufei Cheng, Ruixin Hao, Jiadong Hou, Fengnian Zhang, Fuhao Cheng, Ziqian Meng, Bei Ren, Yang Miao*, Libiao Xin*, Xiaomin Wang. Preparation and entropy regulation study of low thermal conductivity and high strength (ZrHfCeYLaX)O oxides. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44: 4772–4781 (2024). 4. Libiao Xin*, Yanbin Li*, Baolong Wang, Zhiqiang Li*. Magnetic Poles Enabled Kirigami Meta-Structure for High-Efficiency Mechanical Memory Storage, Advanced Functional Materials, 23: 2310969 (2023). 5. Chufei Cheng, Fengnian Zhang, Fuhao Cheng, Jiadong Hou, Bei Ren, Yang Miao*, Libiao Xin*, Xiaomin Wang. The effect of plasma-assisted ball milling on preparation and sintering behavior of (Zr0.1429Hf0.1429Ce0.1429Y0.2857 La0.2857) O2-δ high entropy fluorite oxide. Ceramics International, 49: 13092 -13101 (2023). 6. Libiao Xin*, Yang Wang, Zhiqiang Li, Yanbin Li. Finite deformation analysis of the rotating cylindrical hollow disk composed of functionally-graded incompressible hyper-elastic material. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 44(8): 1367-1384 (2023). 7. Libiao Xin, Jifeng Xu, Zhiqiang Li*, Yanbin Li*. A Mori-Tanaka method based theoretical approximation for functionally graded thick wall tube under combined thermal and mechanical loads. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 46(3): 229-250 (2023). 8. Han Wang, Guansuo Dui, Libiao Xin*. Revisiting the electroelastic solution for an FGPM thick-walled cylinder subjected to mechanical and electric loadings. Materials Research Express, 7(2): 026303 (2020). 9. Libiao Xin*, Guansuo Dui, Dongmei Pan, Yanbin Li. A revisiting of the elasticity solution for a transversely isotropic functionally graded thick-walled tube based on the Mori-Tanaka method. Acta Mechanica, 229: 2703-2717 (2018). 10. Libiao Xin*, Yanbin Li, Dongmei Pan, Guansuo Dui, Chengjian Ju. Revisiting the elastic solution for an inner-pressured functionally graded thick-walled tube within a uniform magnetic field. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 39(10):1485-1498 (2018). 11. Libiao Xin, Guansuo Dui, Shengyou Yang, Ying Liu. Elastic-plastic analysis for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 8, 331-352 (2016). 12. Libiao Xin, Wei Lu, Shengyou Yang, Guansuo Dui, Chengjian Ju. Influence of linear work-hardening on the elastic-plastic behavior of functionally graded thick-walled tube. Acta Mechanica. 227, 2305-2321 (2016). 13. Libiao Xin, Guansuo Dui, Shengyou Yang, Dong Zhou. Solutions for behavior of a functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 98, 70-79 (2015). 14. Libiao Xin, Guansuo Dui, Shengyou Yang, Dong Zhou. An approximate analytical solution based on the Mori-Tanaka method for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure. Composite Structures. 135, 74-82 (2015). 15. Libiao Xin, Shengyou Yang, Baoyu Ma, Guansuo Dui. Thermoelastic analysis of a functionally graded rotating thick-walled tube subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. International Journal of Thermophysics. 36, 3017-3036 (2015). 16. Libiao Xin, Guansuo Dui, Shengyou Yang, Jiamei Zhang. An elasticity solution for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 89, 344-349 (2014). 发明专利: 1. 辛立彪, 王宝龙, 李艳滨, 李天娥. 一种基于榫卯连接的可复位多稳态吸能组合结构, 2021-12-7, ZL202111480544.9. 2. 辛立彪, 王阳, 李志强, 王菡, 武晓东. 一种基于梯度六边形结构的可变形翼肋及其控制方法. 2023-1-31, CN202211589700.X. 3. 王菡, 辛立彪, 李志强, 王宝龙. 一种基于剪纸结构的可调控圆管吸能/储能机构, 2021-11-12, ZL202111336037.8. 4. 李志强, 马瑞强, 辛立彪, 王宝龙. 一种用于压缩荷载下薄壁软管局部屈曲试验夹具, 2022-05-18, ZL202210537251.8. 获奖情况: 1. 中华全国总工会、教育部联合主办的第七届全国高校青年教师教学竞赛理科组一等奖 2. 第三届高等学校力学类专业教学指导委员会举办的A类优秀课程思政案例 3. 第二届高等学校力学类专业教学指导委员会举办的A类优秀课程思政案例 4. 山西省总工会、山西省教育厅联合主办的2024年度山西省高校青年教师教学竞赛理科组一等奖 5. 山西省教育厅举办的2022年山西省课程思政教学设计大赛一等奖 6. 山西省教育厅举办的2024年第四届全国高校教师教学创新大赛二等奖 7. 太原理工大学2023年青年教师教学竞赛特等奖 8. 太原理工大学2024年教学创新设计大赛一等奖 9. 太原理工大学2022年课程思政教学设计大赛一等奖 10. 太原理工大学2021年本科生教学优秀奖一等奖 11. 太原理工大学2023年教学成果二等奖 12. 太原理工大学2024年“三育人”先进个人 13. 山西省一流本科课程建设课程负责人 14. 太原理工大学一流本科课程课程负责人 15. 太原理工大学课程思政示范课程课程负责人 16. 太原理工大学教师发展中心聘任为教师教学培训师 |