承担项目: 1. 中国-白俄罗斯电磁环境效应“一带一路”联合实验室课题,电子设备专用高分子纳米复合屏蔽涂层的研究,主持,2022/08-2025/12. 2. 山西省科技重大专项计划“揭榜挂帅”项目子课题,验证机设计,主持,2022/01-2024/12. 3. 山西省回国留学人员科研教研资助项目,动态压剪条件下南极固定冰屈服行为的研究,主持,2020/09-2023/09. 4. 山西省科协调研课题,“通航强省”战略下低空经济产业链高质量发展模式研究,主持,2024/06-2026/06. 5. 山西省科协调研课题,山西通用航空安全预警监测体系建设研究,主持,2020/09-2024/09. 6. 横向课题,玻璃金属连接件等离子表面合金化涂层制备工艺及性能研究,主持,2023/12-2026/12. 7. 科技部中小企业创新基金,制造抗菌耐磨不锈钢的等离子合金化技术,主持,2010/05-2013/05. 代表性论文(专著、教材): 1. Wang Y D, Wang H F, Jia Y W, et al, Nano-mechanical properties of Mo coating prepared on Invar alloy substrate by double glow plasma surface alloying, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 447: 113-118. 2. Wang H F*, Lin N M, Zhang J J, et al, Fabrication of a Flower-like Copper Oxide Film-Coated Nanoporous Stainless Steel Using Anodization-Assisted Electrodeposition as a Novel Antibacterial Material, Coatings,2023, 782:82-90. 3. Wang H F*, Zhang R, Yuan Z, et al, A comparative study of the corrosion performance of titanium (Ti), titanium nitride (TiN), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and nitrogen-doped titanium oxides (N-TiO2), as coatings for biomedical applications, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 11844-11851. 4. Wang H F*, Shu X F, Liu E Q, et al, Assessments on corrosion, tribological and impact fatigue performance of Ti- and TiN-coated stainless steels by plasma surface alloying technique, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 239: 123-131. 5. Wang H F*, Shu X F, Guo M Q, et al, Structural, tribological and antibacterial activities of Ti-Cu-N hard coatings prepared by plasma surface alloying technique, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 235: 235-240. 获奖情况: 1. 2016年全国第六届基础力学讲课比赛一等奖 2. 2019年山西省教科文卫体系统“五小六化” 竞赛二等奖 3. 2014年山西省中青年教师教学基本功竞赛二等奖 4. 2014年-2021年中国国际飞行器设计挑战赛总决赛二等奖5次。 |