承担项目: [1] 动静态压剪复合加载下非晶复合材料的屈服行为研究,山西省基础研究计划青年项目 [2] 宽泛应变率下形状记忆晶相内生非晶复合材料的弹塑性变形及其微观机理研究,冲击与安全工程教育部重点实验室开放基金 代表性论文(专著、教材): [1] Jiao Zhiming et al; Strain rate effects on the yielding strength and maximum temperature at shear bands in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131: 175101. [2] Jiao Zhiming et al; Extensive strain hardening in a transformation-induced plasticity-reinforced metallic glass matrix composite upon dynamic compression, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2021, 567: 120934. [3] Jiao Zhiming et al; Strain rate sensitivity of nanoindentation creep in an AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Applied Physics A, 2016, 122: 794. [4] Jiao Zhiming et al; Plastic Deformation of Al0.3CoCrFeNi and AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys Under Nanoindentation, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24: 3077. [5] Jiao Zhiming et al; Nanoindentation characterised plastic deformation of a Al0.5CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy, Materials Science and Technology, 2015, 31: 1244. 获奖情况: 无 |